Consider a sequence of Riemannian manifolds
scalar curvatures and entropies are bounded from below by small constants
. The
goal of this paper is to understand notions of convergence and the structure
of limits for such spaces. As a first issue, even in the seemingly rigid case
, we
will construct examples showing that from the Gromov–Hausdorff or intrinsic flat
points of view, such a sequence may converge wildly, in particular to metric spaces
with varying dimensions and topologies and at best a Finsler-type structure. On the
other hand, we will see that these classical notions of convergence are the incorrect
ones to consider. Indeed, even a metric space is the wrong underlying category to be
working on.
Instead, we will introduce a weaker notion of convergence called
which is valid for a class of rectifiable Riemannian spaces. These rectifiable spaces will
have a well-behaved topology, measure theory and analysis. This includes the
existence of gradients of functions and absolutely continuous curves, though
potentially there will be no reasonably associated distance function. Under this
of closeness, a space with almost nonnegative scalar curvature and small entropy
bounds must in fact always be close to Euclidean space, and this will constitute our
–regularity theorem. In
particular, any sequence
with lower scalar curvature and entropies tending to zero must
to Euclidean space.
More generally, we have a compactness theorem saying that sequences of Riemannian
with small lower scalar curvature and entropy bounds
–converge to such a rectifiable
Riemannian space
In the context of the examples from the first paragraph, it may be that the distance
functions of
are degenerating, even though in a well-defined sense the analysis cannot be.
Applications for manifolds with small scalar and entropy lower bounds include an
–Sobolev embedding
and a priori
curvature bounds for