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Packing Lagrangian tori

Richard Hind and Ely Kerman

Geometry & Topology 28 (2024) 2207–2257
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3 K Cieliebak, K Mohnke, Punctured holomorphic curves and Lagrangian embeddings, Invent. Math. 212 (2018) 213 MR3773793
4 K Cieliebak, M Schwingenheuer, Hamiltonian unknottedness of certain monotone Lagrangian tori in S2 × S2, Pacific J. Math. 299 (2019) 427 MR3956147
5 G Dimitroglou Rizell, E Goodman, A Ivrii, Lagrangian isotopy of tori in S2 × S2 and P2, Geom. Funct. Anal. 26 (2016) 1297 MR3568033
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9 R Hind, E Opshtein, Squeezing Lagrangian tori in dimension 4, Comment. Math. Helv. 95 (2020) 535 MR4152624
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20 R Vianna, Infinitely many monotone Lagrangian tori in del Pezzo surfaces, Selecta Math. 23 (2017) 1955 MR3663599
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