Volume 2 (1999)

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ISSN (electronic): 1464-8997
ISSN (print): 1464-8989
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The Kirby Genealogy

Hubert Anson Newton
Eliakim Hastings Moore (Yale, 1885)
Oswald Veblen (Chicago, 1903)
Robert Lee Moore (Chicago 1905)
Eldon Dyer (Texas at Austin, 1952)
Robion Kirby (Chicago, 1965)

(Information frozen at November 1999.)

1968 Edward Turner
SUNY Albany
1988 Norriddine Kabbaj
1989 Raymond Tennant
1993 Philip Hotchkiss
1994 Venu Addepali
1995 Daniel Voce
1998 John O'Neill
1998 Laurie Johnson
1969 David Gauld
1999 Sina Greenwood (**David McIntyre)
1999 Abdul Mohamed (**David McIntyre)
1974 Martin Scharlemann
1986 Abigail Thompson (***Julius Shaneson)
UC Davis
1994 Daniel Heath
1998 Curtis Feist
UC Santa Barbara
1988 Laura Person
1990 Mario Eudave-Munoz
1991 Helmut Doll
1993 Jennifer Schultens
1998 John Nardo
1994 Hway-Zean Kowng
1998 Dino Sola
1974 Selman Akbulut
Michigan State University
1993 Grigory Mikhalkin
1993 Radhouane Sallami
1994 Yildiray Ozan
1997 Rotislav Matveyev
1998 Weimin Chen
1975 Michael Handel
1975 Ralph Weidner
1975 Steve Kaplan
1976 David Nordstrom
1976 Roger Apodaca
1977 Paul Melvin
Bryn Mawr
1997 Gowri Meda
1977 John Harer
University of Michigan
1987 Alan Brownstein
1988 Ken Boucher
1988 Mike Shapiro
1992 Gretchen Wright
1993 Martin Albert
1996 Joel Foisy
1997 Chris Odden
1979 Cole Giller
UTSW Medical Center at Dallas
1995 Mustapha Hatab
1980 Charles Livingston
Indiana University
1994 Swatee Naik
1998 Jeff Johannes
1999 Andrius Tamulis
1980 Joel Hass
Hebrew University
1991 Rita Gitik
UC Davis
1992 Howard Iseri
1996 Michelle Stocking
1998 Richard Vaughn
1981 William Menasco
SUNY Buffalo
1996 Haihua Huang
1998 Valery Pinciu
1981 Tim Cochran
1995 Serguei Sirotine
1996 Paul Bellis
1996 Simrat Ghuman
1997 Amir Gerges
1982 John Hughes
1994 Philip M Hubbard
1996 Cindy M Grimm
2000 Lee Markosian
1982 Daniel Ruberman
1991 Hans Boden
1994 Su-Ming Wu
1996 Luc Patry
1997 Benoit Gerard
1982 David Schorow
1983 Iain Aitchison
1995 Lawrence Reeves
1998 Andrew Kricker
1984 Robert Gompf
Texas at Austin
1996 John Etnyre
1996 Terry Fuller
1998 Carlos Cadavid
1984 Tomasz Mrowka (*Taubes)
1988 Chung-Hsing Ouyang
1988 Yan-Loi Wong
1988 Kevin Walker
1989 Michael Hirsch
1990 Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska
1991 Yong-Bin Ruan
1991 Christopher Herald (*Mrowka)
1993 David Gomprecht (*R. Friedman)
1994 Graham Taylor (*Mrowka)
1994 Baozhen Yu (*Mrowka)
1995 Deyu Tong
1999 William Chen
1999 David Gay
1999 Blake Mellor
2000 Stephen Bigelow
2000 Sungjoon Ko

*The names in parentheses give the person who made the largest mathematical contribution to the PhD in question, eg Kirby was only formally Mrowka's advisor.

**Auckland PhDs normally involve two advisors. David McIntyre served as co-advisor.

***Thesis formally directed by Julius Shaneson, and early work supervised by William Menasco.

More general genealogical information about mathematicians.
