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Four-manifolds, geometries and knots

Geometry & Topology Monographs 5 (2007)

DOI: 10.2140/gtm.2002.5

1 W Barth, C Peters, A Van de Ven, Compact complex surfaces, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3), Springer (1984) MR749574
2 H J Baues, Obstruction theory on homotopy classification of maps, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 628, Springer (1977) MR0467748
3 H J Baues, Combinatorial homotopy and 4–dimensional complexes, de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 2, Walter de Gruyter & Co. (1991) MR1096295 With a preface by Ronald Brown
4 R Bieri, Homological dimension of discrete groups, Mathematics Department, Queen Mary College, London (1976) MR0466344 Queen Mary College Mathematics Notes
5 H Brown, R Bülow, J Neubüser, H Wondratschek, H Zassenhaus, Crystallographic groups of four-dimensional space, John Wiley and Sons (1978) MR0484179 Wiley Monographs in Crystallography
6 G Burde, H Zieschang, Knots, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 5, Walter de Gruyter & Co. (1985) MR808776
7 R Cobb, Infrasolvmanifolds of Dimension Four, PhD thesis, University of Sydney (1999)
8 M M Cohen, A course in simple-homotopy theory, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 10, Springer (1973) MR0362320
9 P M Cohn, Skew fields, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 57, Cambridge University Press (1995) MR1349108 Theory of general division rings
10 K Dekimpe, Almost–Bieberbach groups: affine and polynomial structures, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1639, Springer (1996) MR1482520
11 W Dicks, M J Dunwoody, Groups acting on graphs, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 17, Cambridge University Press (1989) MR1001965
12 F T Farrell, L E Jones, Classical aspherical manifolds, CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 75, Published for the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, Washington, DC (1990) MR1056079
13 R O Filipkiewicz, Four-Dimensional Geometries, PhD thesis, University of Warwick (1984)
14 M H Freedman, F Quinn, Topology of 4–manifolds, Princeton Mathematical Series 39, Princeton University Press (1990) MR1201584
15 W M Goldman, Complex hyperbolic geometry, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press (1999) MR1695450 Oxford Science Publications
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18 M Gromov, Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups, from: "Geometric group theory, Vol. 2 (Sussex, 1991)", London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 182, Cambridge Univ. Press (1993) 1–295 MR1253544
19 J Hempel, 3–Manifolds, Ann. of Math. Studies 86, Princeton University Press (1976) MR0415619
20 H Hendriks, Applications de la théorie d'obstruction en dimension 3, Bull. Soc. Math. France Mém. (1977) 81–196 MR0474305
21 J Hillman, 2–knots and their groups, Australian Mathematical Society Lecture Series 5, Cambridge University Press (1989) MR1001757
22 J A Hillman, The algebraic characterization of geometric 4–manifolds, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 198, Cambridge University Press (1994) MR1275829
23 J Hillman, Algebraic invariants of links, Series on Knots and Everything 32, World Scientific Publishing Co. (2002) MR1932169
24 W Jaco, P B Shalen, Seifert fibered spaces in 3–manifolds, from: "Geometric topology (Proc. Georgia Topology Conf., Athens, Ga., 1977)", Academic Press (1979) 91–99 MR537728
25 M Kemp, Geometric Seifert 4–manifolds, PhD thesis, University of Sydney (2005)
26 R C Kirby, L C Siebenmann, Foundational essays on topological manifolds, smoothings, and triangulations, Annals of Mathematics Studies 88, Princeton University Press (1977) MR0645390 With notes by John Milnor and Michael Atiyah
27 F Laudenbach, Topologie de la dimension trois: homotopie et isotopie, Astérisque 12, Société Mathématique de France (1974) MR0356056 With an English summary and table of contents
28 W Lück, L²–invariants: theory and applications to geometry and K–theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3), Springer (2002) MR1926649
29 G A Margulis, Discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3), Springer (1991) MR1090825
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31 J Milnor, Introduction to algebraic K–theory, Annals of Mathematics Studies 72, Princeton University Press (1971) MR0349811
32 J M Montesinos, Classical tessellations and three-manifolds, Universitext, Springer (1987) MR915761
33 D S Passman, The algebraic structure of group rings, Pure and Applied Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons (1977) MR470211
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35 M S Raghunathan, Discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3) 68, Springer (1972) MR0507234
36 A A Ranicki, Algebraic L–theory and topological manifolds, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 102, Cambridge University Press (1992) MR1211640
37 J G Ratcliffe, Foundations of hyperbolic manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 149, Springer (1994) MR1299730
38 D J S Robinson, A course in the theory of groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 80, Springer (1982) MR648604
39 P Scott, G A Swarup, Regular neighbourhoods and canonical decompositions for groups, Astérisque (2003) MR2032389
40 J P Serre, Linear representations of finite groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 42, Springer (1977) MR0450380 Translated from the second French edition by Leonard L. Scott
41 E H Spanier, Algebraic topology, McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1966) MR0210112
42 J Stallings, Group theory and three-dimensional manifolds, Yale University Press (1971) MR0415622 A James K. Whittemore Lecture in Mathematics given at Yale University, 1969, Yale Mathematical Monographs, 4
43 V S Sunder, An invitation to von Neumann algebras, Universitext, Springer (1987) MR866671
44 P Teichner, Topological Four-Manifolds with Finite Fundamental Group, Verlag Shaker, Aachen (1992)
45 C B Thomas, Elliptic structures on 3–manifolds, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 104, Cambridge University Press (1986) MR861414
46 M F Vignéras, Arithmétique des algèbres de quaternions, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 800, Springer (1980) MR580949
47 C T C Wall, Surgery on compact manifolds, London Mathematical Society Monographs 1, Academic Press (1970) MR0431216
48 J A Wolf, Spaces of constant curvature, Publish or Perish (1984) MR928600
49 H Zieschang, Finite groups of mapping classes of surfaces, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 875, Springer (1981) MR643627
50 H Zieschang, E Vogt, H D Coldewey, Surfaces and planar discontinuous groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 835, Springer (1980) MR606743 Translated from the German by John Stillwell
51 I R Aitchison, J H Rubinstein, Fibered knots and involutions on homotopy spheres, from: "Four-manifold theory (Durham, N.H., 1982)", Contemp. Math. 35, Amer. Math. Soc. (1984) 1–74 MR780575
52 P Ara, K C O'Meara, F Perera, Stable finiteness of group rings in arbitrary characteristic, Adv. Math. 170 (2002) 224–238 MR1932330
53 D Arapura, P Bressler, M Ramachandran, On the fundamental group of a compact Kähler manifold, Duke Math. J. 68 (1992) 477–488 MR1194951
54 C S Aravinda, F T Farrell, S K Roushon, Surgery groups of knot and link complements, Bull. London Math. Soc. 29 (1997) 400–406 MR1446558
55 E Artin, Zur Isotopie Zwei-dimensionaler Flächen im R4, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 4 (1925) 174–177
56 K Asano, K Yoshikawa, On polynomial invariants of fibered 2–knots, Pacific J. Math. 97 (1981) 267–269 MR641156
57 M F Atiyah, Elliptic operators, discrete groups and von Neumann algebras, from: "Colloque “Analyse et Topologie” en l'Honneur de Henri Cartan (Orsay, 1974)", Astérisque 32–33, Soc. Math. France (1976) 43–72 MR0420729
58 L Auslander, An exposition of the structure of solvmanifolds I, II, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 79 (1973) 227–261, 262–285 MR0486307
59 L Auslander, F E A Johnson, On a conjecture of C T C Wall, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 14 (1976) 331–332 MR0423362
60 R Baer, H Heineken, Radical groups of finite abelian subgroup rank, Illinois J. Math. 16 (1972) 533–580 MR0327909
61 A Bak, Odd dimension surgery groups of odd torsion groups vanish, Topology 14 (1975) 367–374 MR0400263
62 J Barge, Dualité dans les revêtements galoisiens, Invent. Math. 58 (1980) 101–106 MR570876
63 J Barge, Dualité dans les revêtements galoisiens, Invent. Math. 58 (1980) 101–106 MR570876
64 L Bartholdi, B Virág, Amenability via random walks, Duke Math. J. 130 (2005) 39–56 MR2176547
65 H Bass, Projective modules over free groups are free, J. Algebra 1 (1964) 367–373 MR0178032
66 S Bauer, The homotopy type of a 4–manifold with finite fundamental group, from: "Algebraic topology and transformation groups (Göttingen, 1987)", Lecture Notes in Math. 1361, Springer (1988) 1–6 MR979503
67 O Baues, Infra-solvmanifolds and rigidity of subgroups in solvable linear algebraic groups, Topology 43 (2004) 903–924 MR2061212
68 E Bayer, J A Hillman, C Kearton, The factorization of simple knots, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 90 (1981) 495–506 MR628832
69 R E Bedient, Double branched covers and pretzel knots, Pacific J. Math. 112 (1984) 265–272 MR743984
70 M Bestvina, N Brady, Morse theory and finiteness properties of groups, Invent. Math. 129 (1997) 445–470 MR1465330
71 R Bieri, J A Hillman, Subnormal subgroups of 3–dimensional Poincaré duality groups, Math. Z. 206 (1991) 67–69 MR1086813
72 R Bieri, W D Neumann, R Strebel, A geometric invariant of discrete groups, Invent. Math. 90 (1987) 451–477 MR914846
73 R Bieri, B Renz, Valuations on free resolutions and higher geometric invariants of groups, Comment. Math. Helv. 63 (1988) 464–497 MR960770
74 R Bieri, R Strebel, Almost finitely presented soluble groups, Comment. Math. Helv. 53 (1978) 258–278 MR0498863
75 R Bieri, R Strebel, Soluble groups with coherent group rings, from: "Homological group theory (Proc. Sympos., Durham, 1977)", London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 36, Cambridge Univ. Press (1979) 235–240 MR564427
76 M Boileau, J P Otal, Scindements de Heegaard et groupe des homéotopies des petites variétés de Seifert, Invent. Math. 106 (1991) 85–107 MR1123375
77 B H Bowditch, Planar groups and the Seifert conjecture, J. Reine Angew. Math. 576 (2004) 11–62 MR2099199
78 B H Bowditch, G Mess, A 4–dimensional Kleinian group, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 344 (1994) 391–405 MR1240944
79 R Brooks, W Goldman, Volumes in Seifert space, Duke Math. J. 51 (1984) 529–545 MR757951
80 W Browder, Diffeomorphisms of 1–connected manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (1967) 155–163 MR0212816
81 W Browder, Poincaré spaces, their normal fibrations and surgery, Invent. Math. 17 (1972) 191–202 MR0326743
82 K S Brown, Homological criteria for finiteness, Comment. Math. Helv. 50 (1975) 129–135 MR0376820
83 K S Brown, R Geoghegan, Cohomology with free coefficients of the fundamental group of a graph of groups, Comment. Math. Helv. 60 (1985) 31–45 MR787660
84 G Burde, K Murasugi, Links and Seifert fiber spaces, Duke Math. J. 37 (1970) 89–93 MR0253313
85 G Cairns, Compact 4–manifolds that admit totally umbilic metric foliations, from: "Differential geometry and its applications (Brno, 1989)", World Sci. Publ., Teaneck, NJ (1990) 9–16 MR1062000
86 J W Cannon, W J Floyd, W R Parry, Introductory notes on Richard Thompson's groups, Enseign. Math. (2) 42 (1996) 215–256 MR1426438
87 S E Cappell, Mayer–Vietoris sequences in hermitian K–theory, from: "Algebraic K-theory, III: Hermitian K-theory and geometric applications (Proc. Conf., Battelle Memorial Inst., Seattle, Wash., 1972)", Lecture Notes in Math. 343, Springer (1973) 478–512 MR0358814
88 S E Cappell, A splitting theorem for manifolds, Invent. Math. 33 (1976) 69–170 MR0438359
89 S E Cappell, J L Shaneson, On four dimensional surgery and applications, Comment. Math. Helv. 46 (1971) 500–528 MR0301750
90 S E Cappell, J L Shaneson, There exist inequivalent knots with the same complement, Ann. of Math. (2) 103 (1976) 349–353 MR0413117
91 S E Cappell, J L Shaneson, Some new four-manifolds, Ann. of Math. (2) 104 (1976) 61–72 MR0418125
92 S E Cappell, J L Shaneson, On 4–dimensional s–cobordisms, J. Differential Geom. 22 (1985) 97–115 MR826426
93 F Castel, Centralisateurs dans les groupes à dualité de Poincaré de dimension 3, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 338 (2004) 935–940 MR2066354
94 J Cheeger, M Gromov, L2–cohomology and group cohomology, Topology 25 (1986) 189–215 MR837621
95 R J Cobb, J A Hillman, S²–bundles over aspherical surfaces and 4–dimensional geometries, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997) 3415–3422 MR1422856
96 T Cochran, Ribbon knots in S4, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 28 (1983) 563–576 MR724727
97 T Cochran, Slice links in S4, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 285 (1984) 389–401 MR748845
98 T D Cochran, N Habegger, On the homotopy theory of simply connected four manifolds, Topology 29 (1990) 419–440 MR1071367
99 M Conder, C Maclachlan, Compact hyperbolic 4–manifolds of small volume, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005) 2469–2476 MR2138890
100 P E Conner, F Raymond, Deforming homotopy equivalences to homeomorphisms in aspherical manifolds, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 83 (1977) 36–85 MR0467777
101 J Cornick, On the homology of group graded algebras, J. Algebra 174 (1995) 999–1023 MR1337182
102 D A Cox, S Zucker, Intersection numbers of sections of elliptic surfaces, Invent. Math. 53 (1979) 1–44 MR538682
103 J Crisp, The decomposition of 3–dimensional Poincaré complexes, Comment. Math. Helv. 75 (2000) 232–246 MR1774703
104 R H Crowell, Corresponding group and module sequences, Nagoya Math. J. 19 (1961) 27–40 MR0140559
105 M Culler, P B Shalen, Varieties of group representations and splittings of 3–manifolds, Ann. of Math. (2) 117 (1983) 109–146 MR683804
106 J F Davis, The Borel/Novikov conjectures and stable diffeomorphisms of 4–manifolds, from: "Geometry and topology of manifolds", Fields Inst. Commun. 47, Amer. Math. Soc. (2005) 63–76 MR2189926
107 J F Davis, R J Milgram, A survey of the spherical space form problem, Mathematical Reports 2, Harwood Academic Publishers (1985) MR798073
108 M W Davis, Groups generated by reflections and aspherical manifolds not covered by Euclidean space, Ann. of Math. (2) 117 (1983) 293–324 MR690848
109 M W Davis, A hyperbolic 4–manifold, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 93 (1985) 325–328 MR770546
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112 K Dekimpe, Determining the translational part of the fundamental group of an infra-solvmanifold of type (R), Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 122 (1997) 515–524 MR1466654
113 W D Dunbar, Geometric orbifolds, Rev. Mat. Univ. Complut. Madrid 1 (1988) 67–99 MR977042
114 M J Dunwoody, R A Fenn, On the finiteness of higher knot sums, Topology 26 (1987) 337–343 MR899053
115 W G Dwyer, S Stolz, L R Taylor, On the dimension of infinite covers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996) 2235–2239 MR1307514
116 E Dyer, A T Vasquez, The sphericity of higher dimensional knots, Canad. J. Math. 25 (1973) 1132–1136 MR0326708
117 E Dyer, A T Vasquez, Some small aspherical spaces, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 16 (1973) 332–352 MR0341476 Collection of articles dedicated to the memory of Hanna Neumann, III
118 M N Dyer, Localization of group rings and applications to 2–complexes, Comment. Math. Helv. 62 (1987) 1–17 MR882962
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122 P Eberlein, Lattices in spaces of nonpositive curvature, Ann. of Math. (2) 111 (1980) 435–476 MR577132
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124 B Eckmann, Aspherical manifolds and higher-dimensional knots, Comment. Math. Helv. 51 (1976) 93–98 MR0413118
125 B Eckmann, Cyclic homology of groups and the Bass conjecture, Comment. Math. Helv. 61 (1986) 193–202 MR856086
126 B Eckmann, Amenable groups and Euler characteristic, Comment. Math. Helv. 67 (1992) 383–393 MR1171301
127 B Eckmann, Manifolds of even dimension with amenable fundamental group, Comment. Math. Helv. 69 (1994) 501–511 MR1303224
128 B Eckmann, Projective and Hilbert modules over group algebras, and finitely dominated spaces, Comment. Math. Helv. 71 (1996) 453–462 MR1418948
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133 B Evans, W Jaco, Varieties of groups and three-manifolds, Topology 12 (1973) 83–97 MR0322846
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140 F T Farrell, L E Jones, A topological analogue of Mostow's rigidity theorem, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 2 (1989) 257–370 MR973309
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143 F T Farrell, L E Jones, Compact infrasolvmanifolds are smoothly rigid, from: "Geometry from the Pacific Rim (Singapore, 1994)", de Gruyter (1997) 85–97 MR1468241
144 F T Farrell, C W Stark, Cocompact spherical–Euclidean spaceform groups of infinite VCD, Bull. London Math. Soc. 25 (1993) 189–192 MR1204073
145 R Fintushel, Classification of circle actions on 4–manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 242 (1978) 377–390 MR496815
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147 R H Fox, Rolling, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 72 (1966) 162–164 MR0184221
148 M Freedman, F Quinn, A quick proof of the 4–dimensional stable surgery theorem, Comment. Math. Helv. 55 (1980) 668–671 MR604722
149 M H Freedman, P Teichner, 4–manifold topology I: Subexponential groups, Invent. Math. 122 (1995) 509–529 MR1359602
150 D Gabai, Foliations and the topology of 3–manifolds III, J. Differential Geom. 26 (1987) 479–536 MR910018
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157 R Geoghegan, M L Mihalik, A note on the vanishing of Hn(G,ZG), J. Pure Appl. Algebra 39 (1986) 301–304 MR821894
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