Geometry & Topology Monographs 8
(2006) 129–144
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A Abbondandolo, M
Schwarz, On the Floer homology of cotangent bundles,
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M Chas, D
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Y Chekanov,
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R Cohen, Morse
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N Dunfield, S
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T Ekholm, J
Etnyre, M Sullivan, The contact homology of
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Y Eliashberg,
Invariants in contact topology, Doc. Math. (1998)
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Y Eliashberg, A
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J B Etnyre,
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C Frohman, R
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K Fukaya, Y G
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S Garoufalidis,
On the
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R Gopakumar, C
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P B Kronheimer,
T S Mrowka, Dehn surgery, the fundamental group
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M Mariño,
Enumerative geometry and knot invariants, from:
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Theor. Phys. 5, de Gruyter (2004) 27–92 MR2104354 |
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L Ng, Framed knot
contact homology arXiv:math.GT/0407071 |
18 |
L Ng, Knot and braid
invariants from contact homology I, Geom. Topol. 9
(2005) 247–297 MR2116316 |
19 |
L Ng, Knot and braid
invariants from contact homology II, Geom. Topol. 9
(2005) 1603–1637 |
20 |
H Ooguri, C
Vafa, Knot
invariants and topological strings, Nuclear Phys. B 577
(2000) 419–438 MR1765411 |
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D A Salamon, J
Weber, Floer homology and the heat flow, Geom.
Funct. Anal. (to appear) arXiv:math.SG/0304383 |
22 |
C Viterbo, Functors
and computations in Floer homology with applications II,
Geom. Funct. Anal. (to appear) |
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E Witten,
Chern–Simons gauge theory as a string theory,
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