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Hodge-type integrals on moduli spaces of admissible covers
Renzo Cavalieri
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D Abramovich , A
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M F Atiyah , R
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J Bryan , R
Pandharipande , The local Gromov–Witten theory of
curves , arXiv:math.AG/0411037
T Ekedahl , S
Lando , M Shapiro , A Vainshtein , On Hurwitz
numbers and Hodge integrals , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris
Sér. I Math. 328 (1999) 1175–1180 MR1701381
T Ekedahl , S
Lando , M Shapiro , A Vainshtein , Hurwitz numbers and
intersections on moduli spaces of curves , Invent. Math.
146 (2001) 297–327 MR1864018
C Faber , R
Pandharipande , Hodge integrals and Gromov–Witten
theory , Invent. Math. 139 (2000) 173–199 MR1728879
I P Goulden ,
D M Jackson , R Vakil , Towards the
geometry of double Hurwitz numbers , Adv. Math. 198 (2005)
T Graber , R
Vakil , Hodge integrals and
Hurwitz numbers via virtual localization , Compositio
Math. 135 (2003) 25–36 MR1955162
J Harris , D
Mumford , On the Kodaira dimension
of the moduli space of curves , Invent. Math. 67 (1982)
23–88 MR664324
E Ionel , Topological recursive
relations in H2g (Mg,n ) , Invent.
Math. 148 (2002) 627–658 MR1908062
D Mumford , Towards
an enumerative geometry of the moduli space of curves ,
from: "Arithmetic and geometry, Vol. II", Progr. Math. 36,
Birkhäuser (1983) 271–328 MR717614