Volume 10 (2007)

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Curriculum vitæ for Professor Goro Nishida

Date of birth

18 September 1943 (Osaka)


21 December 1969, to Hiromi Goto

Academic degrees


Kyoto University, 1966

Master of Science in Mathematics

Kyoto University, 1968

PhD in Mathematics

Kyoto University, 1973

Positions held



Department of Mathematics,
Kyoto University


Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics,
Kyoto University



Department of Mathematics,
Kyoto University


Research Associate

Manchester University, England



Research Institute for Mathematical Science,
Kyoto University

Official and unofficial students

Kakhaber Kordzaya


Shin-itiro Takayasu


Takeshi Torii


Yeong-mee Yang


Masateru Inoue


Norihiko Minami


Tetsu Nishimoto


Shingo Okuyama


Principal publications
  1. G Nishida, Cohomology operations in iterated loop spaces, Proc Japan Acad 44 (1968) 104–109

  2. G Nishida, The nilpotency of the stable homotopy groups of spheres, J Math Soc Japan 25 (1973) 707–732

  3. M Mimura, G Nishida, H Toda, On the classification of H–spaces of rank 2, J Math Kyoto Univ 13 (1973) 611–627

  4. M Mimura, J Mukai, G Nishida, Representing elements of stable homotopy groups by symmetric maps, Osaka J Math 11 (1974) 105–111

  5. G Nishida, Infinite loop spaces, Sugaku 26, Iwanami Shoten (1974)

  6. G Nishida, The nilpotency of the stable homotopy groups of spheres, from: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Manifolds and Related Topics in Topology", University of Tokyo Press (1975)

  7. M Mimura, G Nishida, H Toda, Mod p decomposition of compact Lie groups, Publications of the RIMS 13, Kyoto University (1977) 627–680

  8. G Nishida, The transfer homomorphism in equivariant generalized cohomology theories, J Math Kyoto Univ 18 (1978) 435–451

  9. G Nishida, On a characterization of finite groups of p–rank 1, J Math Kyoto Univ 18 (1978) 543–556

  10. M Nagata, G Nishida, H Toda, Segal–Becker theorem for KR–theory, J Math Soc Japan 34 (1982) 15–33

  11. G Nishida, On the S¹ Segal conjecture, Publications of the RIMS 19, Kyoto University (1983) 1153–1162

  12. G Nishida, On the algebraic K–group of lens spaces and its applications, J Math Kyoto Univ 23 (1983) 211–217

  13. G Nishida, Hecke functors and the equivariant Dold–Thom theorem, Publications of the RIMS 20, Kyoto University (1984) 65–77

  14. G Nishida, Stable homotopy type of classifying spaces of finite groups, from: "Algebraic and Topological Theories", Kinokuniya (1985)

  15. G Nishida, On the spectra L(n) and a theorem of Kuhn, from: "Homotopy Theory and Related Topics", Adv Stud Pure Math 9, North-Holland (1986) 273–286

  16. G Nishida, Modular forms and the double transfer for BT², Japanese J Math 17 (1991) 187–201

  17. G Nishida, On mod p cohomology of the space XΓ and mod p trace formula for Hecke operators, J Math Kyoto Univ 32 (1992) 515–526

  18. K Kordzaya, G Nishida, A duality theorem in Hopf algebras and its application to Morava K–theory of BZ/pr, J Math Kyoto Univ 36 (1996) 771–778

  19. S Morimoto, G Nishida, Elliptic cohomology of classifying spaces of cyclic groups and higher level modular forms, J Math Kyoto Univ 37 (1997) 701–715

  20. G Nishida, Y Yang, On a p–local stable splitting of U(n), J Math Kyoto Univ 41 (2001) 387–401
