Let P be the extraspecial p–group of order p2n+1, of p–rank n + 1, and of exponent p
if p > 2. Let Z be the center of P and let κn,r be the characteristic classes of degree
2n− 2r (resp. 2(pn− pr)) for p = 2 (resp. p > 2), 0 ≤ r ≤ n − 1, of a degree pn
faithful irreducible representation of P. It is known that, modulo nilradical, the ιth
powers of the κn,r’s belong to T = Im(H∗(P∕Z,Fp)∕H∗(P,Fp)∕), with
ι = 1 if p = 2, ι = p if p > 2. We obtain formulae in H∗(P,Fp)∕ relating the κn,rι
terms to the ones of fewer variables. For p > 2 and for a given sequence r0,…,rn−1 of
non-negative integers, we also prove that, modulo-nilradical, the element ∏riκn,iri
belongs to T if and only if either r0≥ 2, or all the ri are multiple of p. This gives the
determination of the subring of invariants of the symplectic group Sp2n(Fp) in
T .
Extraspecial p–groups, Chern
classes, Stiefiel–Whitney classes, Evens norm,