The purpose of this paper is to forge a direct link between the hit
problem for the action of the Steenrod algebra A on the
polynomial algebra P(n)=F2[x1,…,xn], over the
field F2 of two elements, and semistandard Young tableaux
as they apply to the modular representation theory of the general linear
group GL(n,F2). The cohits
Qd(n)=Pd(n)/Pd(n)∩A+(P(n)) form a modular representation of
GL(n,F2) and the hit problem is to analyze this module.
In certain generic degrees d we show how the semistandard Young tableaux
can be used to index a set of monomials which span Qd(n).
The hook formula, which calculates the number of semistandard Young
tableaux, then gives an upper bound for the dimension of Qd(n).
In the particular degree d where the Steinberg module appears for the
first time in P(n) the upper bound is exact and Qd(n)
can then be identified with the Steinberg module.
Steenrod algebra, hit problem, Young
tableaux, Steinberg module