Vol. 2, No. 3, 2009

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 2, No. 3, 2009

How false is Kempe's proof of the Four Color Theorem? Part II

Ellen Gethner, Bopanna Kallichanda, Alexander S. Mentis, Sarah Braudrick, Sumeet Chawla, Andrew Clune, Rachel Drummond, Panagiota Evans, William Roche and Nao Takano

Dynamical properties of the derivative of the Weierstrass elliptic function

Jeff Goldsmith and Lorelei Koss

Maximum minimal rankings of oriented trees

Sarah Novotny, Juan Ortiz and Darren Narayan

Applications of full covers in real analysis

Karen Zangara and John Marafino

Numerical evidence on the uniform distribution of power residues for elliptic curves

Jeffrey Hatley and Amanda Hittson

The genus level of a group

Matthew Arbo, Krystin Benkowski, Ben Coate, Hans Nordstrom, Chris Peterson and Aaron Wootton

A statistical study of extreme nor'easter snowstorms

Christopher Karvetski, Robert B. Lund and Francis Parisi

Bifurcus semigroups and rings

Donald Adams, Rene Ardila, David Hannasch, Audra Kosh, Hanah McCarthy, Vadim Ponomarenko and Ryan Rosenbaum

Construction and enumeration of Franklin circles

Rebecca Garcia, Stefanie Meyer, Stacey Sanders and Amanda Seitz