Vol. 2, No. 5, 2009

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Vol. 2, No. 5, 2009

On the orbits of an orthogonal group action

Kyle Czarnecki, R. Michael Howe and Aaron McTavish

Symbolic computation of degree-three covariants for a binary form

Thomas R. Hagedorn and Glen M. Wilson

Isometric composition operators acting on the Chebyshev space

Thomas E. Goebeler, Jr. and Ashley L. Potter

Markov partitions for hyperbolic sets

Todd Fisher and Himal Rathnakumara

Ineffective perturbations in a planar elastica

Kaitlyn Peterson and Robert Manning

A tiling approach to Fibonacci product identities

Jacob Artz and Michael Rowell

Frame theory for binary vector spaces

Bernhard G. Bodmann, My Le, Letty Reza, Matthew Tobin and Mark Tomforde

Some results on the size of sum and product sets of finite sets of real numbers

Derrick Hart and Alexander Niziolek

Proof of the planar double bubble conjecture using metacalibration methods

Rebecca Dorff, Gary Lawlor, Donald Sampson and Brandon Wilson