Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
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Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012

Elliptic curves, eta-quotients and hypergeometric functions

David Pathakjee, Zef RosnBrick and Eugene Yoong

Trapping light rays aperiodically with mirrors

Zachary Mitchell, Gregory Simon and Xueying Zhao

A generalization of modular forms

Adam Haque

Induced subgraphs of Johnson graphs

Ramin Naimi and Jeffrey Shaw

Multiscale adaptively weighted least squares finite element methods for convection-dominated PDEs

Bridget Kraynik, Yifei Sun and Chad R. Westphal

Diameter, girth and cut vertices of the graph of equivalence classes of zero-divisors

Blake Allen, Erin Martin, Eric New and Dane Skabelund

Total positivity of a shuffle matrix

Audra McMillan

Betti numbers of order-preserving graph homomorphisms

Lauren Guerra and Steven Klee

Permutation notations for the exceptional Weyl group $F_4$

Patricia Cahn, Ruth Haas, Aloysius G. Helminck, Juan Li and Jeremy Schwartz

Progress towards counting $D_5$ quintic fields

Eric Larson and Larry Rolen

On supersingular elliptic curves and hypergeometric functions

Keenan Monks