Vol. 5, No. 4, 2012

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 5, No. 4, 2012

Theoretical properties of the length-biased inverse Weibull distribution

Jing Kersey and Broderick O. Oluyede

The firefighter problem for regular infinite directed grids

Daniel P. Biebighauser, Lise E. Holte and Ryan M. Wagner

Induced trees, minimum semidefinite rank, and zero forcing

Rachel Cranfill, Lon H. Mitchell, Sivaram K. Narayan and Taiji Tsutsui

A new series for $\pi$ via polynomial approximations to arctangent

Colleen M. Bouey, Herbert A. Medina and Erika Meza

A mathematical model of biocontrol of invasive aquatic weeds

John Alford, Curtis Balusek, Kristen M. Bowers and Casey Hartnett

Irreducible divisor graphs for numerical monoids

Dale Bachman, Nicholas Baeth and Craig Edwards

An application of Google's PageRank to NFL rankings

Laurie Zack, Ron Lamb and Sarah Ball

Fool's solitaire on graphs

Robert A. Beeler and Tony K. Rodriguez

Newly reducible iterates in families of quadratic polynomials

Katharine Chamberlin, Emma Colbert, Sharon Frechette, Patrick Hefferman, Rafe Jones and Sarah Orchard

Positive symmetric solutions of a second-order difference equation

Jeffrey T. Neugebauer and Charley L. Seelbach