We examine the question of when a quadratic polynomial
defined over a number
can have a
newly reducible
iterate, that is,
irreducible over
, where
denotes the
-th iterate of
. For each choice
of critical point
we consider the family
For fixed
and nearly all
values of
, we show that
there are only finitely many
such that
has a
newly reducible
iterate. For
we show a similar result for a much more restricted set of
. These
results complement those obtained by Danielson and Fein (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.130:6
(2002), 1589–1596) in the higher-degree case. Our method involves translating the
problem to one of finding rational points on certain hyperelliptic curves, determining
the genus of these curves, and applying Faltings’ theorem.