Vol. 6, No. 4, 2013

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
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Vol. 6, No. 4, 2013

Embeddedness for singly periodic Scherk surfaces with higher dihedral symmetry

Valmir Bucaj, Sarah Cannon, Michael Dorff, Jamal Lawson and Ryan Viertel

An elementary inequality about the Mahler measure

Konstantin Stulov and Rongwei Yang

Ecological systems, nonlinear boundary conditions, and $\Sigma$-shaped bifurcation curves

Kathryn Ashley, Victoria Sincavage and Jerome Goddard II

The probability of randomly generating finite abelian groups

Tyler Carrico

Free and very free morphisms into a Fermat hypersurface

Tabes Bridges, Rankeya Datta, Joseph Eddy, Michael Newman and John Yu

Irreducible divisor simplicial complexes

Nicholas R. Baeth and John J. Hobson

Smallest numbers beginning sequences of 14 and 15 consecutive happy numbers

Daniel E. Lyons

An orbit Cartan type decomposition of the inertia space of $\mathrm{SO}(2m)$ acting on $\mathbb R^{2m}$

Christopher Seaton and John Wells

Optional unrelated-question randomized response models

Sat Gupta, Anna Tuck, Tracy Spears Gill and Mary Crowe

On the difference between an integer and the sum of its proper divisors

Nichole Davis, Dominic Klyve and Nicole Kraght

A Pexider difference associated to a Pexider quartic functional equation in topological vector spaces

Saeid Ostadbashi, Abbas Najati, Mahsa Solaimaninia and Themistocles M. Rassias