In 1999, the American Mathematical Society received
funding from the National Security Agency (NSA) to hold a
conference on Summer Undergraduate Research Programs in
Washington, D.C. This conference turned out to be the first
in a series of three conferences, all with the mission of
expanding research opportunities for undergraduates. The
second conference was entitled “Promoting Undergraduate
Research in Mathematics” (PURM) and was held in 2006 in
By 2012, there were more programs aimed at involving
students in undergraduate research. In addition to
approximately 75 REU federally funded sites, such as NSF-REU
sites, there were many other programs that increased the
number of opportunities for undergraduates. These included
programs supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
in which undergraduate research plays an important role: the
Mentoring at Critical Transition Points (MCTP) Program,
(which funded the Center for Undergraduate Research in
Mathematics (CURM) at Brigham Young University and the Long
Term Undergraduate Research Experiences Program (LURE)), and
the Undergraduate Biology and Mathematics Program (UBM).
Other programs were designed to provide additional
opportunities for undergraduates: the MAA NREUP Program
(which focuses on engaging students from underrepresented
groups), the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics
(IPAM), the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute UP
program (MRSI-UP), and the Council on Undergraduate Research
(CUR). With this significant growth in programs, it was clear
that a third conference to review best practices for
undergraduate research in mathematics was needed. Thanks to
the generous support from the NSA and the NSF, the 2012
Trends in Undergraduate Research in the Mathematical Sciences
(TURMS) conference was held at the Westin O'Hare hotel in
Chicago, October 26--28, 2012. The central goal was to bring
together faculty from these programs to discuss current
practices and exchange ideas to enhance undergraduate
research in mathematics.
The 2012 conference featured a keynote address by
Dr.~Lloyd Douglas, a former NSF-REU program officer. This was
followed by an address by Dr.~Jennifer Pearl, the current
program officer, and invited talks, panel discussions, and
break-out sessions.
The conference organizers included Michael Dorff, Joseph
Gallian, Aparna Higgins, Darren Narayan, and Ivelisse Rubio.
Also assisting with the conference planning were Linda
Braddy, Barbara Deuink, Olga Dixon, Barbara Johnson, Michael
Pearson, Peter Smith, and Laura Witowsky. We were especially
grateful to Floyd (Ben) Cole of the NSA and to Jennifer Pearl
from the NSF.
This volume of conference proceedings appears as a special
issue of the journal Involve, published by
Mathematical Sciences Publishers. The purpose of the volume
is to promote undergraduate research in mathematics beyond
the conference. A printed version of this special issue is
being distributed to all subscribing institutions and an
electronic version will be available free to everyone.
The conference was sponsored by the NSA under Grant
“Conference on Trends in Undergraduate Research in the
Mathematical Sciences”, number H98230-12-1-0266. Additional
support was given by the NSF, award #1205272.