Vol. 7, No. 4, 2014

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 7, No. 4, 2014

Whitehead graphs and separability in rank two

Matt Clay, John Conant and Nivetha Ramasubramanian

Perimeter-minimizing pentagonal tilings

Ping Ngai Chung, Miguel A. Fernandez, Niralee Shah, Luis Sordo Vieira and Elena Wikner

Discrete time optimal control applied to pest control problems

Wandi Ding, Raymond Hendon, Brandon Cathey, Evan Lancaster and Robert Germick

Distribution of genome rearrangement distance under double cut and join

Jackie Christy, Josh McHugh, Manda Riehl and Noah Williams

Mathematical modeling of integrin dynamics in initial formation of focal adhesions

Aurora Blucher, Michelle Salas, Nicholas Williams and Hannah L. Callender

Investigating root multiplicities in the indefinite Kac–Moody algebra $E_{10}$

Vicky Klima, Timothy Shatley, Kyle Thomas and Andrew Wilson

On a state model for the $\mathrm{SO}(2n)$ Kauffman polynomial

Carmen Caprau, David Heywood and Dionne Ibarra

Invariant measures for hybrid stochastic systems

Xavier Garcia, Jennifer Kunze, Thomas Rudelius, Anthony Sanchez, Sijing Shao, Emily Speranza and Chad Vidden