Vol. 8, No. 3, 2015

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
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Vol. 8, No. 3, 2015

Colorability and determinants of $T(m,n,r,s)$ twisted torus knots for $n\equiv\pm 1\pmod m$

Matt DeLong, Matthew Russell and Jonathan Schrock

Parameter identification and sensitivity analysis to a thermal diffusivity inverse problem

Brian Leventhal, Xiaojing Fu, Kathleen Fowler and Owen Eslinger

A mathematical model for the emergence of HIV drug resistance during periodic bang-bang type antiretroviral treatment

Nicoleta Tarfulea and Paul Read

An extension of Young's segregation game

Michael Borchert, Mark Burek, Rick Gillman and Spencer Roach

Embedding groups into distributive subsets of the monoid of binary operations

Gregory Mezera

Persistence: a digit problem

Stephanie Perez and Robert Styer

A new partial ordering of knots

Arazelle Mendoza, Tara Sargent, John Travis Shrontz and Paul Drube

Two-parameter taxicab trigonometric functions

Kelly Delp and Michael Filipski

${}_3 F_2$-hypergeometric functions and supersingular elliptic curves

Sarah Pitman

A contribution to the connections between Fibonacci numbers and matrix theory

Miriam Farber and Abraham Berman

Stick numbers in the simple hexagonal lattice

Ryan Bailey, Hans Chaumont, Melanie Dennis, Jennifer McLoud-Mann, Elise McMahon, Sara Melvin and Geoffrey Schuette

On the number of pairwise touching simplices

Bas Lemmens and Christopher Parsons

The zipper foldings of the diamond

Erin W. Chambers, Di Fang, Kyle A. Sykes, Cynthia M. Traub and Philip Trettenero

On distance labelings of amalgamations and injective labelings of general graphs

Nathaniel Karst, Jessica Oehrlein, Denise Sakai Troxell and Junjie Zhu