Vol. 8, No. 4, 2015

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 8, No. 4, 2015

The $\Delta^2$ conjecture holds for graphs of small order

Cole Franks

Linear symplectomorphisms as $R$-Lagrangian subspaces

Chris Hellmann, Brennan Langenbach and Michael VanValkenburgh

Maximization of the size of monic orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle corresponding to the measures in the Steklov class

John Hoffman, McKinley Meyer, Mariya Sardarli and Alex Sherman

A type of multiple integral with log-gamma function

Duokui Yan, Rongchang Liu and Geng-zhe Chang

Knight's tours on boards with odd dimensions

Baoyue Bi, Steve Butler, Stephanie DeGraaf and Elizabeth Doebel

Differentiation with respect to parameters of solutions of nonlocal boundary value problems for difference equations

Johnny Henderson and Xuewei Jiang

Outer billiards and tilings of the hyperbolic plane

Filiz Dogru, Emily M. Fischer and Cristian Mihai Munteanu

Sophie Germain primes and involutions of $\mathbb{Z}_n^\times$

Karenna Genzlinger and Keir Lockridge

On symplectic capacities of toric domains

Michael Landry, Matthew McMillan and Emmanuel Tsukerman

When the catenary degree agrees with the tame degree in numerical semigroups of embedding dimension three

Pedro A. García-Sánchez and Caterina Viola

Cylindrical liquid bridges

Lamont Colter and Ray Treinen

Some projective distance inequalities for simplices in complex projective space

Mark Fincher, Heather Olney and William Cherry