Vol. 9, No. 1, 2016

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 9, No. 1, 2016

Using ciliate operations to construct chromosome phylogenies

Jacob L. Herlin, Anna Nelson and Marion Scheepers

On the distribution of the greatest common divisor of Gaussian integers

Tai-Danae Bradley, Yin Choi Cheng and Yan Fei Luo

Proving the pressing game conjecture on linear graphs

Eliot Bixby, Toby Flint and István Miklós

Polygonal bicycle paths and the Darboux transformation

Ian Alevy and Emmanuel Tsukerman

Local well-posedness of a nonlocal Burgers' equation

Sam Goodchild and Hang Yang

Investigating cholera using an SIR model with age-class structure and optimal control

K. Renee Fister, Holly Gaff, Elsa Schaefer, Glenna Buford and Bryce C. Norris

Completions of reduced local rings with prescribed minimal prime ideals

Susan Loepp and Byron Perpetua

Global regularity of chemotaxis equations with advection

Saad Khan, Jay Johnson, Elliot Cartee and Yao Yao

On the ribbon graphs of links in real projective space

Iain Moffatt and Johanna Strömberg

Depths and Stanley depths of path ideals of spines

Daniel Campos, Ryan Gunderson, Susan Morey, Chelsey Paulsen and Thomas Polstra

Combinatorics of linked systems of quartet trees

Emili Moan and Joseph Rusinko