Vol. 9, No. 2, 2016

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 9, No. 2, 2016

On the independence and domination numbers of replacement product graphs

Jay Cummings and Christine A. Kelley

An optional unrelated question RRT model

Jeong S. Sihm, Anu Chhabra and Sat N. Gupta

On counting limited outdegree grid digraphs and greatest increase grid digraphs

Joshua Chester, Linnea Edlin, Jonah Galeota-Sprung, Bradley Isom, Alexander Moore, Virginia Perkins, A. Malcolm Campbell, Todd T. Eckdahl, Laurie J. Heyer and Jeffrey L. Poet

Polygonal dissections and reversions of series

Alison Schuetz and Gwyn Whieldon

Factor posets of frames and dual frames in finite dimensions

Kileen Berry, Martin S. Copenhaver, Eric Evert, Yeon Hyang Kim, Troy Klingler, Sivaram K. Narayan and Son T. Nghiem

A variation on the game Set

David Clark, George Fisk and Nurullah Goren

The kernel of the matrix $\lbrack i\mskip-2mu j \pmod n\rbrack$ when $n$ is prime

Maria I. Bueno, Susana Furtado, Jennifer Karkoska, Kyanne Mayfield, Robert Samalis and Adam Telatovich

Harnack's inequality for second order linear ordinary differential inequalities

Ahmed Mohammed and Hannah Turner

The isoperimetric and Kazhdan constants associated to a Paley graph

Kevin Cramer, Mike Krebs, Nicole Shabazi, Anthony Shaheen and Edward Voskanian

Mutual estimates for the dyadic reverse Hölder and Muckenhoupt constants for the dyadically doubling weights

Oleksandra V. Beznosova and Temitope Ode

Radio number for fourth power paths

Min-Lin Lo and Linda Victoria Alegria

On closed graphs, II

David A. Cox and Andrew Erskine

Klein links and related torus links

Enrique Alvarado, Steven Beres, Vesta Coufal, Kaia Hlavacek, Joel Pereira and Brandon Reeves