Vol. 9, No. 3, 2016

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 9, No. 3, 2016

A combinatorial proof of a decomposition property of reduced residue systems

Yotsanan Meemark and Thanakorn Prinyasart

Strong depth and quasigeodesics in finitely generated groups

Brian Gapinski, Matthew Horak and Tyler Weber

Generalized factorization in $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$

Austin Mahlum and Christopher Park Mooney

Cocircular relative equilibria of four vortices

Jonathan Gomez, Alexander Gutierrez, John Little, Roberto Pelayo and Jesse Robert

On weak lattice point visibility

Neil R. Nicholson and Rebecca Rachan

Connectivity of the zero-divisor graph for finite rings

Reza Akhtar and Lucas Lee

Enumeration of $m$-endomorphisms

Louis Rubin and Brian Rushton

Quantum Schubert polynomials for the $G_2$ flag manifold

Rachel E. Elliott, Mark E. Lewers and Leonardo C. Mihalcea

The irreducibility of polynomials related to a question of Schur

Lenny Jones and Alicia Lamarche

Oscillation of solutions to nonlinear first-order delay differential equations

James P. Dix and Julio G. Dix

A variational approach to a generalized elastica problem

C. Alex Safsten and Logan C. Tatham

When is a subgroup of a ring an ideal?

Sunil K. Chebolu and Christina L. Henry

Explicit bounds for the pseudospectra of various classes of matrices and operators

Feixue Gong, Olivia Meyerson, Jeremy Meza, Mihai Stoiciu and Abigail Ward