Vol. 9, No. 4, 2016

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
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Vol. 9, No. 4, 2016

Affine hyperbolic toral automorphisms

Colin Thomson and Donna K. Molinek

Rings of invariants for the three-dimensional modular representations of elementary abelian $p$-groups of rank four

Théo Pierron and R. James Shank

Bootstrap techniques for measures of center for three-dimensional rotation data

L. Katie Will and Melissa A. Bingham

Graphs on 21 edges that are not 2-apex

Jamison Barsotti and Thomas W. Mattman

Mathematical modeling of a surface morphological instability of a thin monocrystal film in a strong electric field

Aaron Wingo, Selahittin Cinar, Kurt Woods and Mikhail Khenner

Jacobian varieties of Hurwitz curves with automorphism group $\mathrm{PSL}(2,q)$

Allison Fischer, Mouchen Liu and Jennifer Paulhus

Avoiding approximate repetitions with respect to the longest common subsequence distance

Serina Camungol and Narad Rampersad

Prime vertex labelings of several families of graphs

Nathan Diefenderfer, Dana C. Ernst, Michael G. Hastings, Levi N. Heath, Hannah Prawzinsky, Briahna Preston, Jeff Rushall, Emily White and Alyssa Whittemore

Presentations of Roger and Yang's Kauffman bracket arc algebra

Martin Bobb, Dylan Peifer, Stephen Kennedy and Helen Wong

Arranging kings $k$-dependently on hexagonal chessboards

Robert Doughty, Jessica Gonda, Adriana Morales, Berkeley Reiswig, Josiah Reiswig, Katherine Slyman and Daniel Pritikin

Gonality of random graphs

Andrew Deveau, David Jensen, Jenna Kainic and Dan Mitropolsky