Vol. 9, No. 5, 2016

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 9, No. 5, 2016

An iterative strategy for Lights Out on Petersen graphs

Bruce Torrence and Robert Torrence

A family of elliptic curves of rank $\geq 4$

Farzali Izadi and Kamran Nabardi

Splitting techniques and Betti numbers of secant powers

Reza Akhtar, Brittany Burns, Haley Dohrmann, Hannah Hoganson, Ola Sobieska and Zerotti Woods

Convergence of sequences of polygons

Eric Hintikka and Xingping Sun

On the Chermak–Delgado lattices of split metacyclic $p$-groups

Erin Brush, Jill Dietz, Kendra Johnson-Tesch and Brianne Power

The left greedy Lie algebra basis and star graphs

Benjamin Walter and Aminreza Shiri

Note on superpatterns

Daniel Gray and Hua Wang

Lifting representations of finite reductive groups: a character relation

Jeffrey D. Adler, Michael Cassel, Joshua M. Lansky, Emma Morgan and Yifei Zhao

Spectrum of a composition operator with automorphic symbol

Robert F. Allen, Thong M. Le and Matthew A. Pons

On nonabelian representations of twist knots

James C. Dean and Anh T. Tran

Envelope curves and equidistant sets

Mark Huibregtse and Adam Winchell

New examples of Brunnian theta graphs

Byoungwook Jang, Anna Kronaeur, Pratap Luitel, Daniel Medici, Scott A. Taylor and Alexander Zupan

Some nonsimple modules for centralizer algebras of the symmetric group

Craig Dodge, Harald Ellers, Yukihide Nakada and Kelly Pohland
