Recent Issues |
Volume 17, 5 issues
Volume 17
Issue 5, 723–899
Issue 4, 543–722
Issue 3, 363–541
Issue 2, 183–362
Issue 1, 1–182
Volume 16, 5 issues
Volume 16
Issue 5, 727–903
Issue 4, 547–726
Issue 3, 365–546
Issue 2, 183–364
Issue 1, 1–182
Volume 15, 5 issues
Volume 15
Issue 5, 727–906
Issue 4, 547–726
Issue 3, 367–546
Issue 2, 185–365
Issue 1, 1–184
Volume 14, 5 issues
Volume 14
Issue 5, 723–905
Issue 4, 541–721
Issue 3, 361–540
Issue 2, 181–360
Issue 1, 1–179
Volume 13, 5 issues
Volume 13
Issue 5, 721–900
Issue 4, 541–719
Issue 3, 361–539
Issue 2, 181–360
Issue 1, 1–180
Volume 12, 8 issues
Volume 12
Issue 8, 1261–1439
Issue 7, 1081–1260
Issue 6, 901–1080
Issue 5, 721–899
Issue 4, 541–720
Issue 3, 361–539
Issue 2, 181–360
Issue 1, 1–180
Volume 11, 5 issues
Volume 11
Issue 5, 721–900
Issue 4, 541–720
Issue 3, 361–540
Issue 2, 181–359
Issue 1, 1–179
Volume 10, 5 issues
Volume 10
Issue 5, 721–900
Issue 4, 541–720
Issue 3, 361–539
Issue 2, 181–360
Issue 1, 1–180
Volume 9, 5 issues
Volume 9
Issue 5, 721–899
Issue 4, 541–720
Issue 3, 361–540
Issue 2, 181–359
Issue 1, 1–180
Volume 8, 5 issues
Volume 8
Issue 5, 721–900
Issue 4, 541–719
Issue 3, 361–540
Issue 2, 181–359
Issue 1, 1–179
Volume 7, 6 issues
Volume 7
Issue 6, 713–822
Issue 5, 585–712
Issue 4, 431–583
Issue 3, 245–430
Issue 2, 125–244
Issue 1, 1–124
Volume 6, 4 issues
Volume 6
Issue 4, 383–510
Issue 3, 261–381
Issue 2, 127–260
Issue 1, 1–126
Volume 5, 4 issues
Volume 5
Issue 4, 379–504
Issue 3, 237–378
Issue 2, 115–236
Issue 1, 1–113
Volume 4, 4 issues
Volume 4
Issue 4, 307–416
Issue 3, 203–305
Issue 2, 103–202
Issue 1, 1–102
Volume 3, 4 issues
Volume 3
Issue 4, 349–474
Issue 3, 241–347
Issue 2, 129–240
Issue 1, 1–127
Volume 2, 5 issues
Volume 2
Issue 5, 495–628
Issue 4, 371–494
Issue 3, 249–370
Issue 2, 121–247
Issue 1, 1–120
Volume 1, 2 issues
Volume 1
Issue 2, 123–233
Issue 1, 1–121
Intrinsically triple-linked
graphs in $\mathbb{R}P^3$
Jared Federman, Joel Foisy, Kristin McNamara and Emily
A modified wavelet method
for identifying transient features in time signals with
applications to bean beetle maturation
David McMorris, Paul Pearson and Brian Yurk
A generalization of the
matrix transpose map and its relationship to the twist of the
polynomial ring by an automorphism
Andrew McGinnis and Michaela Vancliff
Mixing times for the rook's
walk via path coupling
Cam McLeman, Peter T. Otto, John Rahmani and Matthew
The lifting of graphs to
3-uniform hypergraphs and some applications to hypergraph
Ramsey theory
Mark Budden, Josh Hiller, Joshua Lambert and Chris
The multiplicity of
solutions for a system of second-order differential
Olivia Bennett, Daniel Brumley, Britney Hopkins, Kristi
Karber and Thomas Milligan
Factorization of
Temperley–Lieb diagrams
Dana C. Ernst, Michael G. Hastings and Sarah K.
Prime labelings of
generalized Petersen graphs
Steven A. Schluchter, Justin Z. Schroeder, Kathryn Cokus,
Ryan Ellingson, Hayley Harris, Ethan Rarity and Thomas
A generalization of
Zeckendorf's theorem via circumscribed $m$-gons
Robert Dorward, Pari L. Ford, Eva Fourakis, Pamela E.
Harris, Steven J. Miller, Eyvindur Palsson and Hannah
Loewner deformations driven
by the Weierstrass function
Joan Lind and Jessica Robins
Rank disequilibrium in
multiple-criteria evaluation schemes
Jonathan K. Hodge, Faye Sprague-Williams and Jamie