Vol. 11, No. 5, 2018

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 11, No. 5, 2018

On the minuscule representation of type $B_n$

William J. Cook and Noah A. Hughes

Pythagorean orthogonality of compact sets

Pallavi Aggarwal, Steven Schlicker and Ryan Swartzentruber

Different definitions of conic sections in hyperbolic geometry

Patrick Chao and Jonathan Rosenberg

The Fibonacci sequence under a modulus: computing all moduli that produce a given period

Alex Dishong and Marc S. Renault

On the faithfulness of the representation of $\mathrm{GL}(n)$ on the space of curvature tensors

Corey Dunn, Darien Elderfield and Rory Martin-Hagemeyer

Quasipositive curvature on a biquotient of Sp$(3)$

Jason DeVito and Wesley Martin

Symmetric numerical ranges of four-by-four matrices

Shelby L. Burnett, Ashley Chandler and Linda J. Patton

Counting eta-quotients of prime level

Allison Arnold-Roksandich, Kevin James and Rodney Keaton

The $k$-diameter component edge connectivity parameter

Nathan Shank and Adam Buzzard

Time stopping for Tsirelson's norm

Kevin Beanland, Noah Duncan and Michael Holt

Enumeration of stacks of spheres

Lauren Endicott, Russell May and Sienna Shacklette

Rings isomorphic to their nontrivial subrings

Jacob Lojewski and Greg Oman

On generalized MacDonald codes

Padmapani Seneviratne and Lauren Melcher

A simple proof characterizing interval orders with interval lengths between 1 and $k$

Simona Boyadzhiyska, Garth Isaak and Ann N. Trenk