Vol. 12, No. 1, 2019

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Intersecting geodesics and centrality in graphs

Emily Carter, Bryan Ek, Danielle Gonzalez, Rigoberto Flórez and Darren A. Narayan

Vol. 12 (2019), No. 1, 31–43

In a graph, vertices that are more central are often placed at the intersection of geodesics between other pairs of vertices. This model can be applied to organizational networks, where we assume the flow of information follows shortest paths of communication and there is a required action (i.e., signature or approval) by each person located on these paths. The number of actions a person must perform is linked to both the topology of the network as well as their location within it. The number of expected actions that a person must perform can be quantified by betweenness centrality. The betweenness centrality of a vertex v is the ratio of shortest paths between all other pairs of vertices u and w in which v appears to the total number of shortest paths from u to w. We precisely compute the betweenness centrality for vertices in several families of graphs motivated by different organizational networks.

betweenness centrality, shortest paths, distance
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 05C12, 05C82
Received: 4 March 2017
Revised: 26 July 2017
Accepted: 20 January 2018
Published: 31 May 2018

Communicated by Kenneth S. Berenhaut
Emily Carter
School of Mathematical Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
United States
Bryan Ek
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ
United States
Danielle Gonzalez
Department of Software Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
United States
Rigoberto Flórez
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Citadel
Charleston, SC
United States
Darren A. Narayan
School of Mathematical Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY
United States