Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019

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Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019

DOI: 10.2140/involve.2019.12-2
Lights Out for graphs related to one another by constructions

Laura E. Ballard, Erica L. Budge and Darin R. Stephenson

A characterization of the sets of periods within shifts of finite type

Madeline Doering and Ronnie Pavlov

Numerical secondary terms in a Cohen–Lenstra conjecture on real quadratic fields

Codie Lewis and Cassandra Williams

Curves of constant curvature and torsion in the 3-sphere

Debraj Chakrabarti, Rahul Sahay and Jared Williams

Properties of RNA secondary structure matching models

Nicole Anderson, Michael Breunig, Kyle Goryl, Hannah Lewis, Manda Riehl and McKenzie Scanlan

Infinite sums in totally ordered abelian groups

Greg Oman, Caitlin Randall and Logan Robinson

On the minimum of the mean-squared error in 2-means clustering

Bernhard G. Bodmann and Craig J. George

Failure of strong approximation on an affine cone

Martin Bright and Ivo Kok

Quantum metrics from traces on full matrix algebras

Konrad Aguilar and Samantha Brooker

Solving Scramble Squares puzzles with repetitions

Jason Callahan and Maria Mota

Erdős–Szekeres theorem for cyclic permutations

Éva Czabarka and Zhiyu Wang