Vol. 12, No. 4, 2019

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Vol. 12, No. 4, 2019

DOI: 10.2140/involve.2019.12-4
Euler's formula for the zeta function at the positive even integers

Samyukta Krishnamurthy and Micah B. Milinovich

Descents and des-Wilf equivalence of permutations avoiding certain nonclassical patterns

Caden Bielawa, Robert Davis, Daniel Greeson and Qinhan Zhou

The classification of involutions and symmetric spaces of modular groups

Marc Besson and Jennifer Schaefer

When is $a^{n} + 1$ the sum of two squares?

Greg Dresden, Kylie Hess, Saimon Islam, Jeremy Rouse, Aaron Schmitt, Emily Stamm, Terrin Warren and Pan Yue

Irreducible character restrictions to maximal subgroups of low-rank classical groups of types $B$ and $C$

Kempton Albee, Mike Barnes, Aaron Parker, Eric Roon and A. A. Schaeffer Fry

Prime labelings of infinite graphs

Matthew Kenigsberg and Oscar Levin

Positional strategies in games of best choice

Aaron Fowlkes and Brant Jones

Graphs with at most two trees in a forest-building process

Steve Butler, Misa Hamanaka and Marie Hardt

Log-concavity of Hölder means and an application to geometric inequalities

Aurel I. Stan and Sergio D. Zapeta-Tzul

Applying prospect theory to multiattribute problems with independence assumptions

Jack Stanley and Frank P. A. Coolen

On weight-one solvable configurations of the Lights Out puzzle

Yuki Hayata and Masakazu Yamagishi