Vol. 12, No. 5, 2019

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 12, No. 5, 2019

Orbigraphs: a graph-theoretic analog to Riemannian orbifolds

Kathleen Daly, Colin Gavin, Gabriel Montes de Oca, Diana Ochoa, Elizabeth Stanhope and Sam Stewart

Sparse neural codes and convexity

R. Amzi Jeffs, Mohamed Omar, Natchanon Suaysom, Aleina Wachtel and Nora Youngs

The number of rational points of hyperelliptic curves over subsets of finite fields

Kristina Nelson, József Solymosi, Foster Tom and Ching Wong

Space-efficient knot mosaics for prime knots with mosaic number 6

Aaron Heap and Douglas Knowles

Shabat polynomials and monodromy groups of trees uniquely determined by ramification type

Naiomi Cameron, Mary Kemp, Susan Maslak, Gabrielle Melamed, Richard A. Moy, Jonathan Pham and Austin Wei

On some edge Folkman numbers, small and large

Jenny M. Kaufmann, Henry J. Wickus and Stanisław P. Radziszowski

Weighted persistent homology

Gregory Bell, Austin Lawson, Joshua Martin, James Rudzinski and Clifford Smyth

Leibniz algebras with low-dimensional maximal Lie quotients

William J. Cook, John Hall, Vicky W. Klima and Carter Murray

Spectra of Kohn Laplacians on spheres

John Ahn, Mohit Bansil, Garrett Brown, Emilee Cardin and Yunus E. Zeytuncu

Pairwise compatibility graphs: complete characterization for wheels

Matthew Beaudouin-Lafon, Serena Chen, Nathaniel Karst, Denise Sakai Troxell and Xudong Zheng

The financial value of knowing the distribution of stock prices in discrete market models

Ayelet Amiran, Fabrice Baudoin, Skylyn Brock, Berend Coster, Ryan Craver, Ugonna Ezeaka, Phanuel Mariano and Mary Wishart