An inviscid fluid model of a self-gravitating infinite expanse of a uniformly rotating
adiabatic gas cloud consisting of the continuity, Euler’s, and Poisson’s equations for
that situation is considered. There exists a static homogeneous density solution to
this model relating that equilibrium density to the uniform rotation. A systematic
linear stability analysis of this exact solution then yields a gravitational instability
criterion equivalent to that developed by Sir James Jeans in the absence of
rotation instead of the slightly more complicated stability behavior deduced by
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar for this model with rotation, both of which suffered
from the same deficiency in that neither of them actually examined whether their
perturbation analysis was of an exact solution. For the former case, it was not and,
for the latter, the equilibrium density and uniform rotation were erroneously assumed
to be independent instead of related to each other. Then this gravitational instability
criterion is employed in the form of Jeans’ length to show that there is very
good agreement between this theoretical prediction and the actual mean
distance of separation of stars formed in the outer arms of the spiral galaxy
Andromeda M31. Further, the uniform rotation determined from the exact
solution relation to equilibrium density and the corresponding rotational
velocity for a reference radial distance are consistent with the spectroscopic
measurements of Andromeda and the observational data of the spiral Milky Way
Andromeda and Milky Way star formation, Jeans'
self-gravitational instabilities, rotating adiabatic
inviscid gas dynamics, astrophysics