Vol. 12, No. 8, 2019

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 12, No. 8, 2019

On the zero-sum group-magicness of cartesian products

Adam Fong, John Georges, David Mauro, Dylan Spagnuolo, John Wallace, Shufan Wang and Kirsti Wash

The variable exponent Bernoulli differential equation

Karen R. Ríos-Soto, Carlos E. Seda-Damiani and Alejandro Vélez-Santiago

The supersingularity of Hurwitz curves

Erin Dawson, Henry Frauenhoff, Michael Lynch, Amethyst Price, Seamus Somerstep, Eric Work, Dean Bisogno and Rachel Pries

Multicast triangular semilattice network

Angelina Grosso, Felice Manganiello, Shiwani Varal and Emily Zhu

Edge-transitive graphs and combinatorial designs

Heather A. Newman, Hector Miranda, Adam Gregory and Darren A. Narayan

A logistic two-sex model with mate-finding Allee effect

Elizabeth Anderson, Daniel Maxin, Jared Ott and Gwyneth Terrett

Unoriented links and the Jones polynomial

Sandy Ganzell, Janet Huffman, Leslie Mavrakis, Kaitlin Tademy and Griffin Walker

Nonsplit module extensions over the one-sided inverse of $k[x]$

Zheping Lu, Linhong Wang and Xingting Wang

Split Grothendieck rings of rooted trees and skew shapes via monoid representations

David Beers and Matt Szczesny

On the classification of Specht modules with one-dimensional summands

Aubrey Piper Collins and Craig J. Dodge

The monochromatic column problem with a prime number of colors

Loran Crowell and Steve Szabo

Total Roman domination edge-critical graphs

Chloe Lampman, Kieka (C. M.) Mynhardt and Shannon Ogden