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Recent Issues

Volume 18
Issue 2, 181–385
Issue 1, 1–180

Volume 17, 5 issues

Volume 16, 5 issues

Volume 15, 5 issues

Volume 14, 5 issues

Volume 13, 5 issues

Volume 12, 8 issues

Volume 11, 5 issues

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Volume 6, 4 issues

Volume 5, 4 issues

Volume 4, 4 issues

Volume 3, 4 issues

Volume 2, 5 issues

Volume 1, 2 issues

The Journal
About the journal
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Peer-review process
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Editorial board
Editors' interests
ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Structure constants of $\mathcal{U}(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$

Alexia Gourley and Christopher Kennedy

Conjecture $\mathcal{O}$ holds for some horospherical varieties of Picard rank 1

Lela Bones, Garrett Fowler, Lisa Schneider and Ryan M. Shifler

Condensed Ricci curvature of complete and strongly regular graphs

Vincent Bonini, Conor Carroll, Uyen Dinh, Sydney Dye, Joshua Frederick and Erin Pearse

On equidistant polytopes in the Euclidean space

Csaba Vincze, Márk Oláh and Letícia Lengyel

Polynomial values in Fibonacci sequences

Adi Ostrov, Danny Neftin, Avi Berman and Reyad A. Elrazik

Stability and asymptotic analysis of the Föllmer–Schweizer decomposition on a finite probability space

Sarah Boese, Tracy Cui, Samuel Johnston, Sylvie Vega-Molino and Oleksii Mostovyi

Eigenvalues of the sum and product of anticommuting matrices

Vadim Ponomarenko and Louis Selstad

Combinatorial random knots

Andrew Ducharme and Emily Peters

Conjugation diameter of the symmetric groups

Assaf Libman and Charlotte Tarry

Existence of multiple solutions to a discrete boundary value problem with mixed periodic boundary conditions

Kimberly Howard, Long Wang and Min Wang

Minimal flag triangulations of lower-dimensional manifolds

Christin Bibby, Andrew Odesky, Mengmeng Wang, Shuyang Wang, Ziyi Zhang and Hailun Zheng

Some new Gompertz fractional difference equations

Tom Cuchta and Brooke Fincham