Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 14, No. 2, 2021

Some remarks on generalized recursive polynomials

Luke Wiljanen and Aklilu Zeleke

When winning sets have full dimension

Pedro Birindiba and Katrin Gelfert

Wave-packet propagation in a finite topological insulator and the spectral localizer index

Jonathan Michala, Alexander Pierson, Terry A. Loring and Alexander B. Watson

The mathematics of tie knots

Elizabeth Denne, Corinne Joireman and Allison Young

Zeros of complex random polynomials spanned by Bergman polynomials

Marianela Landi, Kayla Johnson, Garrett Moseley and Aaron Yeager

New methods to find patches of invisible integer lattice points

Austin Goodrich, aBa Mbirika and Jasmine Nielsen

Properties of certain sparse circulant determinants

Dusty E. Grundmeier and Samuel M. Kim

On cyclic and nontransitive probabilities

Pavle Vuksanovic and A. J. Hildebrand

Two families of hypercyclic nonconvolution operators

Alexander Myers, Muhammadyusuf Odinaev and David Walmsley