Vol. 14, No. 3, 2021

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
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Vol. 14, No. 3, 2021

Period sets of linear recurrences over finite fields and related commutative rings

Michael R. Bush and Danjoseph Quijada

Monochromatic diameter-2 components in edge colorings of the complete graph

Miklós Ruszinkó, Lang Song and Daniel P. Szabo

Action graphs, rooted planar forests, and self-convolutions of the Catalan numbers

Julia E. Bergner, Cedric Harper, Ryan Keller and Mathilde Rosi-Marshall

A core model for $G_2$

Benjamin Cotton and Nathan F. Williams

Cohen–Macaulay test ideals over rings of finite and countable Cohen–Macaulay type

Julian Benali, Shrunal Pothagoni and Rebecca R.G.

Reidemeister moves in Gauss diagrams

Sandy Ganzell, Ellen Lehet, Cristina Lopez, Gilbert Magallon and Alyson Thompson

Farey recursive functions

Eric Chesebro, Cory Emlen, Kenton Ke, Denise LaFontaine, Kelly McKinnie and Catherine Rigby

Eisenstein polynomials defining Galois dihedral $p$-adic fields of degree $2p$

Chad Awtrey, Nicholas Hadgis and Annalise Von Sprecken

Iterating the RSK bijection

Maria Gillespie, Jacob Hocevar, Ananya Kulshrestha and Kosha Upadhyay

Prism graphs in tropical plane curves

Liza Jacoby, Ralph Morrison and Ben Weber

Critical points of iterates of complex quadratic functions

Julia Barnes and James Marshall

On some properties of the solution set of one of Wilker's inequalities for complex numbers

Aarón Guillén-Villalobos and Jorge E. Macías-Díaz

Fragility of nonconvergence in preferential attachment graphs with three types

Ben Andrews and Jonathan Jordan