Vol. 15, No. 1, 2022

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ISSN 1944-4184 (online)
ISSN 1944-4176 (print)
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Vol. 15, No. 1, 2022

Periodic neural codes and sound localization in barn owls

Lindsey S. Brown and Carina Curto

Milnor invariants of sorting networks

Maxim Arnold and Christian Kondor

Constructing unramified extensions over quadratic fields

Misato Aoki and Masanari Kida

Applying iterated mapping to the no-three-in-a-line problem

Cole Brower and Vadim Ponomarenko

The tunnel numbers of all 11- and 12-crossing alternating knots

Felipe Castellano-Macías and Nicholas Owad

Discordant sets and ergodic Ramsey theory

Vitaly Bergelson, Jake Huryn and Rushil Raghavan

Hitting time of Brownian motion subject to shear flow

Despina Chouliara, Yishu Gong, Siming He, Alexander Kiselev, James Lim, Omar Melikechi and Keenan Powers

Continuous guessing games with two secret numbers

David Clark and Nicholas Layman

The differentiation operator on discrete function spaces of a tree

Robert F. Allen and Colin M. Jackson