A graph has a prime labeling if its vertices can be assigned distinct numbers from 1
so that the vertices on each edge receive relatively prime labels. This
definition can be extended naturally to hypergraphs, whose edges may
contain more than two vertices, in the following way. A hypergraph has a
prime labeling if its vertices can be assigned distinct numbers from 1 to
so that
numbers within each edge is 1 (which is sensible since greatest common divisor is
defined for sets of numbers).
We examine the problem of prime labeling complete
hypergraphs. We prove that if this type of hypergraph has enough vertices and every
pod of vertices is large enough, then it does not have a prime labeling. We also prove,
on the other hand, that if a pod of vertices is small enough, then it does have a prime
prime labeling, $k$-partite $k$-uniform hypergraph