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On equations $(-1)^{\alpha}p^x+(-1)^{\beta}(2^k(2p+1))^y=z^2$ with Sophie Germain prime $p$

Yuan Li, Jing Zhang and Baoxing Liu

Vol. 17 (2024), No. 3, 503–518

We consider the Diophantine equation (1)αpx + (1)β(2k(2p + 1))y = z2 for Sophie Germain primes p with α,β {0,1}, αβ = 0 and k 0. First, for p = 2, we solve three Diophantine equations of the form (1)α2x + (1)β(2k5)y = z2 using the Nagell–Ljunggren equation and elementary methods. Then we obtain all nonnegative integer solutions for the following four types of equations for odd Sophie Germain primes p:

  1. px + (22k+1(2p + 1))y = z2 with p 3,5(mod8) and k 0,

  2. px + (22k(2p + 1))y = z2 with p 3(mod8) and k 1,

  3. px (2k(2p + 1))y = z2 with p 3(mod4) and k 0,

  4. px + (2k(2p + 1))y = z2 with p 1,3,5(mod8) and k 1.

Catalan equation, exponential Diophantine equation, Legendre symbol, Nagell–Ljunggren equation, quadratic reciprocity law, Sophie Germain prime
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 11A15, 11D61, 11D72, 14H52
Received: 6 December 2022
Revised: 21 April 2023
Accepted: 29 April 2023
Published: 17 July 2024

Communicated by Nathan Kaplan
Yuan Li
Department of Mathematics
Winston Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC
United States
Jing Zhang
Department of Mathematics, Division of Science, Mathematics and Technology
Governors State University
University Park, IL
United States
Baoxing Liu
Department of Mathematics
Winston Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC
United States