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An absorbing version of the top-to-random shuffle

Joel Brewster Lewis and Mehr Rai

Vol. 17 (2024), No. 4, 603–632

Consider a randomly shuffled deck of 2n cards with n red cards and n black cards. We study the average number of moves it takes to go from a randomly shuffled deck to a deck that alternates in color by performing the following move: if the top card and the bottom card of the deck differ in color, place the top card at the bottom of the deck; otherwise, insert the top card randomly in the deck. We use tools from combinatorics, probability, and linear algebra to study this process.

finite Markov chain, absorbing Markov chain, card shuffling, top-to-random shuffle
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 60C05, 60J10
Secondary: 05A05
Received: 16 June 2022
Revised: 2 May 2023
Accepted: 4 May 2023
Published: 2 October 2024

Communicated by Jonathon Peterson
Joel Brewster Lewis
Department of Mathematics
George Washington University
Washington, DC
United States
Mehr Rai
Department of Mathematics
Aalto University
FI-00076 Aalto