Vol. 1, No. 1, 2006

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A semianalytical solution for free vibration analysis of stiffened cylindrical shells

Guanghui Qing, Zhenyu Feng, Yanhong Liu and Jiaujun Qiu

Vol. 1 (2006), No. 1, 129–145

Based on a semianalytical solution of the state-vector equations, we propose a novel mathematical model for the free vibration analysis of cylindrical shells with stiffeners and for cylindrical panels with discontinuities in thickness and/or with cutouts. The shell and stiffeners are regarded as three-dimensional elastic bodies, but the same quadrilateral element is used to discretize the shell and stiffeners. The method accounts for the compatibility of displacements and stresses on the interface between layers of the laminated shell and stiffeners, for transverse shear deformation, and of course for the rotational inertia of the shell and stiffeners. To demonstrate the model’s excellent predictive abilities, several examples are analyzed numerically.

The model can be easily modified to solve problems of stiffened piezolaminated plates and shells, or plates and shells with patches made of a piezoelectric material.

free vibration, stiffened cylindrical shells, laminated cylindrical shells, semianalytical solution, state-vector equation
Received: 24 September 2005
Revised: 10 December 2005
Accepted: 19 December 2005
Published: 1 May 2006
Guanghui Qing
Aeronautical Mechanics and Avionics Engineering College
Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin 300300
People’s Republic of China
Zhenyu Feng
Aeronautical Mechanics and Avionics Engineering College
Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin 300300
People’s Republic of China
Yanhong Liu
Aeronautical Mechanics and Avionics Engineering College
Civil Aviation University of China
Tianjin 300300
People’s Republic of China
Jiaujun Qiu
Department of Mechanics and Engineering Measurement
School of Mechanical Engineering
Tianjin University
Tianjin 300072
People’s Republic of China