Vol. 1, No. 4, 2006

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Recent Issues

Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
Issue 4, 541–746
Issue 3, 303–540
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The Journal
About the journal
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Peer-review process
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Editorial board
ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Spectral element modeling and analysis of an axially moving thermoelastic beam-plate

Kyungsoo Kwon and Usik Lee

An atomistic instability condition and applications

Jia Lu and Liang Zhang

A mode III moving crack between a functionally graded coating and a homogeneous substrate

Bao-Lin Wang and Jie-Cai Han

Nonlocal continuum models for carbon nanotubes subjected to static loading

Quan Wang and Yasuhide Shindo

Conservation laws at nano/micro scales

Youping Chen and James Lee

Stresses and strains at nano/micro scales

Youping Chen, James Lee and Liming Xiong

Measuring impact responses of foamed polymers

James F. Wilson

So\dots is this a surface-breaking crack?

Milan Poznic and Claudio Pecorari

Nanoparticles under the influence of surface/interface elasticity

Changwen Mi and Demitris A. Kouris

Extreme values of Poisson's ratio and other engineering moduli in anisotropic materials

Andrew N. Norris