Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007

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Dislocation interacting with collinear rigid lines in piezoelectric media

BingJin Chen, DongWei Shu and ZhongMin Xiao

Vol. 2 (2007), No. 1, 23–42

The electro-elastic interaction between a piezoelectric dislocation and collinear rigid lines embedded in a piezoelectric medium is studied in the framework of linear elastic theory. The rigid lines are considered, respectively, as dielectrics or conductors. We present a general solution of the problem based on the extended Stroh’s formalism. Explicit expressions of the field intensity factors are obtained for the special case of a single rigid line. The image force acting on the piezoelectric dislocation due to the presence of a single rigid line is calculated by using the generalized Peach-Koehler formula. Numerical examples show the shielding effects of field intensity factors and image force on the dislocation. The solution we present can be served as a Green’s function for investigating the micro-crack initiation mechanism at the tip of a rigid line.

rigid lines, dislocation, piezoelectric, field intensity factors, force on dislocation
Received: 8 December 2005
Revised: 9 February 2006
Accepted: 16 July 2006
Published: 1 March 2007
BingJin Chen
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
DongWei Shu
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
ZhongMin Xiao
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798