Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007

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Magnetothermoelastic stresses induced by a transient magnetic field in an infinite conducting plate

Masahiro Higuchi, Ryuusuke Kawamura, Yoshinobu Tanigawa and Hideki Fujieda

Vol. 2 (2007), No. 1, 113–130

We investigate the dynamic and quasistatic behavior of magnetothermoelastic stresses induced by a transient magnetic field in an infinite conducting plate. A transient magnetic field defined by an arbitrary function of time acts on both surfaces of the infinite plate and parallel to them. The fundamental equations of one-dimensional electromagnetic, temperature and elastic fields are formulated, and solutions for the magnetic field, eddy current, temperature change and dynamic and quasistatic solutions for stresses and deformations are analytically derived, in terms of the excitation function. The stress solutions are determined to be sums of a thermal stress component caused by eddy current loss and a magnetic stress component caused by the Lorentz force. The case of a magnetic field defined by a smoothed ramp function with a sine-function profile is examined in particular, and the dynamic and quasistatic behavior of the stresses are numerically calculated.

magnetothermoelasticity, eddy current loss, Lorentz force
Received: 4 July 2006
Accepted: 28 August 2006
Published: 1 March 2007
Masahiro Higuchi
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
Gakuencho 1-1, Nakaku, Sakai
Osaka 599-8531
Ryuusuke Kawamura
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
Gakuencho 1-1, Nakaku, Sakai
Osaka 599-8531
Yoshinobu Tanigawa
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
Osaka Prefecture University
Gakuencho 1-1, Nakaku, Sakai
Osaka 599-8531
Hideki Fujieda
Ebara Corporation
11-1, Haneda Asahi-cho, Ohta-ku
Tokyo 144-8510