Vol. 2, No. 5, 2007

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Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
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The Journal
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
Author index
To appear
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A marching procedure for form-finding for tensegrity structures

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Element stacking method for topology optimization with material-dependent boundary and loading conditions

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Exact solutions of AFM scanning probes subjected to tip-sample forces

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Influence of the elastic parameters of a fluttering plate on its post-critical behavior

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Micromechanical approach to transformation toughening in zirconia-enriched multiphase composites

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The simulation of residual stresses in friction stir welds

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Numerical and experimental analysis of the static compliance of chiral truss-core airfoils

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Resonance phenomena at the interface of two perfectly bonded, prestressed elastic strips

Graham A. Rogerson and Anton V. Krynkin