Vol. 2, No. 5, 2007

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Influence of the elastic parameters of a fluttering plate on its post-critical behavior

Silvano Tizzi

Vol. 2 (2007), No. 5, 911–935

A computational work to determine the post-critical flutter behavior of orthotropic and isotropic panels, according to the Von Karman’s large deflection plate theory and quasisteady linearized aerodynamic theory, has been performed. Three different numerical schemes, based on Galerkin, Ritz and finite element method, have been employed for the integration over the panel surface, to reduce the mathematical problem to a system of differential equations in time. These can be integrated by appropriate algorithms to derive the vibrating plate behavior over time. Thus, it has been possible to determine a permanent solution in post-critical conditions. The paper focuses on the influence of the elastic parameters on the limit cycle solution of the vibrating plate under a high supersonic flow. Comparisons between the results obtained by panels with different elastic properties have been mandatory to characterize their effects on the post-critical flutter stationary solution. Particular attention has been given to the limit cycle amplitude, which is a fundamental parameter indicative of the fluttering panel resistance to a high supersonic airflow. Thus it has been possible to state an evaluation criterion of the hierarchic importance of the plate elastic parameters, based on their influence on the panel resistance to the post-critical flutter phenomenon. The reliability of our analysis can be guaranteed through the good agreement between the results of the three methods.

influence, elastic, parameters, plate, fluttering, post-critical, behavior
Supplementary material

PDF file: Silvano Tizzi, Three numerical procedures for the post-critical flutter of an orthotropic plate

Received: 9 July 2006
Revised: 30 November 2006
Accepted: 15 February 2007
Published: 1 July 2007
Silvano Tizzi
Aerospace and Astronautics Engineering Department
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Via Eudossiana 16
00184 Rome