Vol. 2, No. 7, 2007

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A surface crack in a graded coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate under general loading conditions

Sami El-Borgi, Radhi Abdelmoula, Serkan Dag and Nizar Lajnef

Vol. 2 (2007), No. 7, 1331–1353

The elastostatic problem of a surface crack in a graded coating bonded to a homogeneous substrate under general loading conditions is considered. The coating is graded along the thickness direction and modeled as a nonhomogeneous medium with an isotropic stress-strain law. The problem is solved under the assumption of plane strain or generalized plane stress conditions. The crack surfaces are subjected to arbitrary loadings which give rise to mixed fracture modes which can be uncoupled due to the fact that the crack axis is parallel to the material gradient. Therefore, the opening and sliding mode problems may be formulated separately. For each problem, the solution of the composite medium may be determined by obtaining the solution of the homogeneous substrate and that of the graded layer. The latter solution may be expressed as the sum of two solutions, namely an infinite graded medium with a crack and a graded strip without a crack. The resulting mixed-boundary value problem is reduced to a set of two uncoupled singular integral equations which are solved numerically using Jacobi polynomials. The main objective of the paper is to study the effect of the layer thickness and nonhomogeneity parameter on the crack tip mixed-mode stress intensity factors for the purpose of gaining better understanding on the behavior of graded coatings.

graded coating, stress intensity factor, surface crack, mixed-mode loading, singular integral equations
Received: 20 July 2006
Accepted: 27 January 2007
Published: 1 September 2007
Sami El-Borgi
Applied Mechanics and Systems Research Laboratory
Tunisia Polytechnic School
B.P. 743
La Marsa 2078
Radhi Abdelmoula
Laboratoire des Propriétés Mechaniques et Thermodynamiques de Matériaux
Institut Galilée
Université Paris 13
99 avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément
93430 Villetaneuse
Serkan Dag
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Middle East Technical University
Ankara 06531
Nizar Lajnef
Applied Mechanics and Systems Research Laboratory
Tunisia Polytechnic School
B.P. 743
La Marsa 2078