Recent Issues |
Volume 19, 5 issues
Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
Issue 4, 541–746
Issue 3, 303–540
Issue 2, 157–302
Issue 1, 1–156
Volume 18, 5 issues
Volume 18
Issue 5, 621–764
Issue 4, 427–565
Issue 3, 293–425
Issue 2, 143–291
Issue 1, 1–141
Volume 17, 5 issues
Volume 17
Issue 5, 403–501
Issue 4, 297–401
Issue 3, 193–296
Issue 2, 97–192
Issue 1, 1–95
Volume 16, 5 issues
Volume 16
Issue 5, 595–696
Issue 4, 389–594
Issue 3, 237–388
Issue 2, 105–235
Issue 1, 1–104
Volume 15, 5 issues
Volume 15
Issue 5, 555–633
Issue 4, 435–554
Issue 3, 291–434
Issue 2, 185–289
Issue 1, 1–184
Volume 14, 5 issues
Volume 14
Issue 5, 601–770
Issue 4, 449–599
Issue 3, 309–448
Issue 2, 193–308
Issue 1, 1–191
Volume 13, 5 issues
Volume 13
Issue 5, 607–714
Issue 4, 421–605
Issue 3, 247–419
Issue 2, 141–246
Issue 1, 1–139
Volume 12, 5 issues
Volume 12
Issue 5, 563–722
Issue 4, 353–561
Issue 3, 249–351
Issue 2, 147–247
Issue 1, 1–146
Volume 11, 5 issues
Volume 11
Issue 5, 491–617
Issue 4, 329–490
Issue 3, 197–327
Issue 2, 91–196
Issue 1, 1–90
Volume 10, 5 issues
Volume 10
Issue 5, 537–630
Issue 4, 447–535
Issue 3, 207–445
Issue 2, 105–206
Issue 1, 1–103
Volume 9, 5 issues
Volume 9
Issue 5, 465–574
Issue 4, 365–463
Issue 3, 259–363
Issue 2, 121–258
Issue 1, 1–119
Volume 8, 8 issues
Volume 8
Issue 8-10, 385–523
Issue 5-7, 247–384
Issue 2-4, 109–246
Issue 1, 1–107
Volume 7, 10 issues
Volume 7
Issue 10, 887–1007
Issue 8-9, 735–885
Issue 7, 613–734
Issue 6, 509–611
Issue 5, 413–507
Issue 4, 309–412
Issue 3, 225–307
Issue 2, 119–224
Issue 1, 1–117
Volume 6, 9 issues
Volume 6
Issue 9-10, 1197–1327
Issue 7-8, 949–1195
Issue 6, 791–948
Issue 5, 641–790
Issue 1-4, 1–639
Volume 5, 6 issues
Volume 5
Issue 6, 855–1035
Issue 5, 693–854
Issue 4, 529–692
Issue 3, 369–528
Issue 2, 185–367
Issue 1, 1–183
Volume 4, 10 issues
Volume 4
Issue 10, 1657–1799
Issue 9, 1505–1656
Issue 7-8, 1185–1503
Issue 6, 987–1184
Issue 5, 779–986
Issue 4, 629–778
Issue 3, 441–627
Issue 2, 187–440
Issue 1, 1–186
Volume 3, 10 issues
Volume 3
Issue 10, 1809–1992
Issue 9, 1605–1807
Issue 8, 1403–1604
Issue 7, 1187–1401
Issue 6, 1033–1185
Issue 5, 809–1031
Issue 4, 591–807
Issue 3, 391–589
Issue 2, 195–389
Issue 1, 1–193
Volume 2, 10 issues
Volume 2
Issue 10, 1853–2066
Issue 9, 1657–1852
Issue 8, 1395–1656
Issue 7, 1205–1394
Issue 6, 997–1203
Issue 5, 793–996
Issue 4, 595–791
Issue 3, 399–594
Issue 2, 201–398
Issue 1, 1–200
Volume 1, 8 issues
Volume 1
Issue 8, 1301–1500
Issue 7, 1097–1299
Issue 6, 957–1095
Issue 5, 837–956
Issue 4, 605–812
Issue 3, 407–604
Issue 2, 205–406
Issue 1, 3–200
Special issue
Ninth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics
Edited by Jeffrey W. Eischen and Guillermo Monsivais
Jeffrey W. Eischen and Guillermo Monsivais
Optimization of a satellite
with composite materials
Jorge A. C. Ambrósio, Maria Augusta Neto and Rogério
Pereira Leal
Geometric analysis of the
dynamics of a double pendulum
Jan Awrejcewicz and Dariusz Sendkowski
Numerical simulation of
granular materials in a rotating tumbler
Horacio Tapia-McClung
Density measurements in a
supersonic jet
Catalina Elizabeth Stern, José Manuel Alvarado and Cesar
Frequency and spatial
response of basilar membrane vibration in a three-dimensional
gerbil cochlear model
Yongjin Yoon, Sunil Puria and Charles R. Steele
Flushing of the port of
Ensenada using a SIBEO wave-driven seawater pump
Steven Peter Czitrom, Cesar Coronado and Ismael
Symmetry analysis of
extreme areal Poisson's ratio in anisotropic crystals
Lewis Wheeler and Cliff Yi Guo
A three dimensional contact
model for soil-pipe interaction
Nelly Piedad Rubio, Deane Roehl and Celso Romanel
Calculation of inertial
properties of the malleus-incus complex from micro-CT
Jae Hoon Sim, Sunil Puria and Charles R. Steele
intensification and domain switching near a plane strain
crack in a rectangular piezoelectric material
Yasuhide Shindo, Fumio Narita and Fumitoshi Saito
Active control schemes
based on the linearized Tschauner–Hempel equations to
maintain the separation distance constraints for the NASA
benchmark Tetrahedron Constellation
Pedro A. Capó-Lugo and Peter M. Bainum
Evaluation of effective
material properties of randomly distributed short cylindrical
fiber composites using a numerical homogenization
Harald Berger, Sreedhar Kari, Ulrich Gabbert, Reinaldo
Rodríguez Ramos, Julian Bravo Castillero and Raúl Guinovart
Natural convection fluid
flow and heat transfer in porous media
Elsa Báez and Alfredo Nicolás
Stark ladder resonances in
acoustic waveguides
Guillermo Monsivais and Raul Esquivel-Sirvent
Tension buckling in
multilayer elastomeric isolation bearings
James M. Kelly and Shakhzod M. Takhirov
Representative volume
element and effective elastic properties of open cell foam
materials with random microstructures
Sergey Kanaun and Oleksandr Tkachenko
Elastic Wannier–Stark
ladders in torsional waves
Guillermo Monsivais, Rafael A. Méndez-Sánchez, Alfredo
Díaz de Anda, Jorge Flores, Luis Gutiérrez and Alejandro
A new variable damping
semiactive device for seismic response reduction of civil
Orlando Cundumi and Luis E Suárez