Vol. 3, No. 10, 2008

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Finite element simulation of strain rate effects on localized unstable pseudoelastic response of shape memory alloys

B. Azadi Borujeni, Daan M. Maijer and R. K. Nimal D. Rajapakse

Vol. 3 (2008), No. 10, 1811–1829

A macromechanical total-deformation constitutive model of pseudoelasticity previously developed by the authors is employed within a two-dimensional finite element framework to numerically investigate the effect of strain rate and boundary conditions on the overall mechanical response and nucleation/evolution of transformation bands in NiTi strips during both forward and reverse transformations. The simulation results are compared with the experimental observations previously reported by other researchers, and it is shown that the present method successfully captures the nucleation and propagation of localized deformation bands during both loading and unloading. It is confirmed that the number of propagating fronts plays a key role in the pseudoelastic response of material in nonisothermal conditions. Special attention is paid to the morphology of the transformation fronts and its evolution. The numerical analysis indicates that the predicted morphology of the fronts is highly sensitive to imperfections and misalignments in the boundary conditions, especially during the reverse transformation.

shape memory alloys, strain rate, localization, phase transformation, pseudoelasticity, martensite reorientation, finite element method
Received: 14 October 2007
Revised: 17 October 2008
Accepted: 24 October 2008
Published: 1 December 2008
B. Azadi Borujeni
University of British Columbia
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2054-6250 Applied Science Lane
Vancouver, BC 6T 1Z4
Daan M. Maijer
University of British Columbia
Department of Materials Engineering
309-6350 Stores Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
R. K. Nimal D. Rajapakse
University of British Columbia
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2054-6250 Applied Science Lane
Vancouver, BC 6T 1Z4