In this study, the author applied the thin-layer method (TLM) for developing explicit
time domain solutions for the ground response due to impulse and moving loads. The
Fourier and Laplace transforms for space and time, respectively, are applied to derive
the transformed domain solution that satisfies given boundary conditions.
The eigenvalue decomposition in the Laplace parameter domain and the
discrete wave number superposition for the horizontal wave field description
lead to an accurate and efficient strategy for a stable time-space domain
solution. Some demonstrations are given: The first example is a fundamental
problem relating to interpretation of the causal transient responses of the
P, S, and Rayleigh waves due to an impact loading. The second example
is also fundamental, and treats the description of a compound wave field
produced by a single moving load, detailing the kinematic as well as the inertial
effects, with the speed being an important parameter. The third example
is an engineering application that demonstrates the track response due to
train passage in order to interpret the wave generation in ground by the
high-speed passage. A comparison to measurement data is presented for