Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008

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Recent Issues

Volume 19
Issue 5, 747–918
Issue 4, 541–746
Issue 3, 303–540
Issue 2, 157–302
Issue 1, 1–156

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Volume 5, 6 issues

Volume 4, 10 issues

Volume 3, 10 issues

Volume 2, 10 issues

Volume 1, 8 issues

The Journal
About the journal
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ISSN 1559-3959 (online)
ISSN 1559-3959 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Elastic constants and thermal expansion averages of a nontextured polycrystal

Roland deWit

Robustness analysis of structures based on plastic limit analysis with uncertain loads

Yu Matsuda and Yoshihiro Kanno

Eulerian conjugate stress and strain

Andrew N. Norris

Out-of-plane stress and displacement for through-the-thickness cracks in plates of finite thickness

John Codrington, Andrei Kotousov and Sook Ying Ho

Investigation of mode II crack growth following a very high speed impact

Wei Ma and Zhuping Duan

Anisotropic stress state around internally pressurized microchannels

Yong Xue Gan

Dynamic rigid-plastic deformation of arbitrarily shaped plates

Tatiana Pavlovna Romanova and Yuri Vladimirovich Nemirovsky

Interaction of a dislocation with collinear rigid lines at the interface of piezoelectric media

ZhongMin Xiao, Hongxia Zhang and Bingjin Chen

Exact solution of double filled hole of an infinite plate

Nat Kasayapanand

Transient response of magneto-electro-elastic simply supported cylinder using finite element

Atul Daga, Natrajan Ganesan and Krishnapillai Shankar